Quality SISTEMA Certifications & Inspections Pvt. Ltd. (SISTEMA
CERTS) believes that trust in audit and certification process depends
on the impartiality of the persons involved in these processes.
SISTEMA CERTSprovides Management Systems Certification Services to all organizations
against International standard(s) on various Management Systems Standards such
as ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001 Environmental Management
Systems, OHSAS 18001 / ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management
SISTEMA CERTSprovides these services to all organizations irrespective of their size,
countries and affiliations. The conflict of interest which may arise in the
provision of these services have been identified, analyzed and documented
including steps taken to eliminate / minimize such conflicts.
We have established a system to
ensure that individual and organizational conflict of interest is avoided, and
Objectivity & complete impartiality is practiced in the auditing and
certification process. We ensure this by –
only those professionals in our certification process, who have demonstrated
their competence in accordance with applicable professional standards.
certification personnel about avoiding possible issues that might affect
objectivity and impartiality.
binding our certification personnel to
disclose relevant information regarding issues that may lead to possibilities
of conflict of interest.
impartiality monitoring and enforcement committee to act as ultimate authority
enforcing impartiality in our audit & certification process.
Understand their role in implementing this
Recognize their responsibility towards its
successful implementation.
We at SISTEMA CERTS are committed to
impartiality in delivering our services. We ensure that our services are based
on objectivity & are available to all customers and that they are not based
on undue commercial, financial or any other considerations. We ensure that all
our procedures /guidelines operate in a non-discriminatory manner as being
monitored by MD/CEO and reviewed by IC and are also available in SISTEMA CERTS
Manual, Procedures, Documents & Work Instructions.